What happens if the wrongdoer does not pay all of the sanctions ordered?

What happens if the wrongdoer does not pay all of the sanctions ordered?

Where sanctions collected in a Covered Action or Related Action are less than the full amount ordered, any whistleblower award will amount to the percentage determined by the Commission multiplied by the sanctions collected. Sanctions collected in a Covered Action or Related Action are only used for purposes of calculating awards to whistleblowers. The dollars that actually go to paying those awards come from the CFTC Customer Protection Fund and do not reduce the amounts otherwise ordered to go to harmed investors. A whistleblower remains eligible for a pro rata award payout, even if the Commission is unable to collect the full amount of sanctions ordered. If at a later point in time the Commission collects more money under a Covered Action, then the whistleblower will get the same percentage of the additional amount collected.
