There are nine steps to submit your tip:
Step 1: Tell us about yourself
Step 2: Your attorney’s information (if applicable)
Step 3: Tell us who you are complaining about
Step 4: Tell us about your complaint
Step 5 and 6: Complete the Whistleblower program sections
Step 7: Attach Files
Step 8: Review, Sign & Submit
Step 9: Complete and download PDF of your submission if filed electronically
Before You Get Started
You’ll need the name and contact information of the persons or entities involved, a description of the investment products involved, and your contact information. Please provide as much information as possible. If you have supporting documents you want to include, like website screenshots or communication records, you can upload them at the end of the form.
We require detailed financial transaction information to evaluate complaints. Please include the dates and amounts of all transfers as well as the originating and recipient financial accounts. For digital assets, also include the type and amount of digital asset or cryptocurrency, the blockchain its on (for multi-chain assets), the originating wallet address, the recipient wallet address, and the transaction ID/hash. If your account experienced fraud, contact your bank, financial institution or cryptocurrency exchange to report it.
File Form TCR Online Download Form TCR PDF
To submit via mail or fax, you can download and print the Form TCR and mail or fax the completed form to:
(202) 418-5975
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Whistleblower Office
1155 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20581