CFTC Awards Whistleblower Over $18 Million

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced an award of over $18 million to a whistleblower who provided detailed information and assistance in a CFTC enforcement action and in a related action by another agency. The whistleblower provided assistance to the Division of Enforcement’s (DOE) staff that was significant in amount and quality. The whistleblower’s communications with the other agency led to a related action and were crucial to its resolution.

CFTC Awards Whistleblower More Than $300,000

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced an award of more than $300,000 to a whistleblower whose particularly informative tip caused the Division of Enforcement (DOE) to open an investigation that led to an underlying enforcement action. That tip precisely and accurately described the misconduct at issue. Moreover, the whistleblower assisted DOE staff multiple times during the investigation, provided additional evidence, interpreted it for DOE staff, and conserved substantial resources for the CFTC.

CFTC Grants Two Whistleblower Awards Totaling Over $15 Million

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced whistleblower awards totaling over $15 million to two whistleblowers who provided significant information and assistance that led the CFTC to bring separate successful enforcement actions. Because the whistleblowers immediately provided reliable information, the CFTC opened the respective investigations shortly after each whistleblower submitted a Form TCR.